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The uncanny desire to be liked.

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

by: Saaim


Everyone has a past or some incidents where the third party does not know what happened and without even getting the facts correct or trying to know about it more are criticised and judged as if we have taken their home privileges.

And what is the irony that they are not even related to the matter

As a matter of fact, they are there just to judge, For example, if you have ever met me in person and you did not seem to like my energy or vibes you might have said to your friends or someone you know as "Ugh I hate this person, he is not someone you can vibe with" at that point, if the person who is listening to this knows me will try to defend for me but if it is someone else that one opinion by someone can change their entire mindset and what they see me as will be a person who you can't have positive vibes with.

Now, as much as a positive opinion matters about anything let's say I want to buy a new iPhone but my friend who uses an android will say it is not good and I as a normal human being will listen to him without even checking out that certain product.

We as human beings rely on other's opinions without even trying it for yourself we don't even try to take the risk, okay fine if your friend did not find a certain country enjoyable or good for a holiday does not mean you won't enjoy it as well we are all created differently with a different mindset, hobbies, capabilities, likes, dislikes etc.

We are so caught up in the moment thinking about what a person or a group of people think about us that we have forgotten how to take control of our own lives, every single decision of ours is based on social media where fake reality is made possible with the illusions of photoshop.

Living in a brown community, exposes us to so many such instances like this, that even what we study is based on a decision made by others but not you, or even if you love someone, we have to seek approval of multiple people before we make a move ahead, where the only decision power lies with is your significant other and yourself.

What is the use of living, if you want your decisions made for you, are you a person of your own or a puppet waiting to be controlled and manipulated, we have been living in the influence of "what will people say" that we have forgotten that our lives belong to us and no one else

It's time to take control, stop living in the illusions of social media and the manipulation and choices made by others for you.

It's time to take control of your own soul.

Break free, take a leap of faith.

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