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The Education System: Issues, Resolutions and More awareness..?

by: Aayush Pramanik



For many years now, education and the schooling of the youth have remained a fixated “argument” or a “point” at the various discussion- both at a regional and global level. All around the world, no matter the differences in curriculums and education boards- we as the youth do face immense amounts of scrutiny and pressure when it comes to our journey through schooling. All of us, as a whole- has always been under microscope visions and the mercy of how much we can achieve in our school/college lives. Our success is often determined by a grade of recommendation from a teacher- yet that should not be the case. Under no circumstances, should a student be disadvantaged or impacted negatively- based on how well of a mark they might receive in a test. A student - is also a teenager and is also a human. For decades, students globally have been facing various complexities in regards to their education. Let it be mental health issues, loss of moral support, and even self-harm. Often the obligation and stress on achieving something in life and that being widely accepted in society tears people up both physically and mentally.


Our opinions- as the youth, have always failed to amount to something- let it be in the context of the education system or any universal issues. Our opinions are often repressed, especially under the heavy atmosphere of often “overbearing” and “prioritized” individuals. We often forgo our opinions and thoughts of action, as we tend to shy away from the tedious job of facing adversities, in an attempt to make a point. Thus, the only solution to this prevalent issue would be to give more opportunities for the youth to share their point of view and to make sure that someone is respecting their experiences/emotions. There needs to be a better connection between us students, teachers, and parents. There must be a significant atmosphere of support and understanding for all-around students throughout their schooling. Competition and academic accolades have always and will remain- a ruthless point to make when it comes to a student's achievements. Yet, it can also to the downfall of the same. Therefore, students must be given the freedom to decide themselves whether they are willing and able to achieve certain things. It's a known fact, that not everyone can be a master at what they do - some a better of doing what their heart desires. It all comes down to the perception and ability of individuals within the direct circle of the student's parents and teachers need to be more careful and tactful when it comes to pushing for a certain exam or competition. There needs to be a judgment call made by all parties and the decision should always favour the student. The student has to be the priority, no matter the circumstances.


When it comes to initiatives or projects, solely aiming to make lives somewhat “easier” for students - there have been quite a few of these so far. One of the biggest initiatives of them all is founded by WHO - a world-renowned organization, whose ethos is all about a healthy lifestyle and how to make the world safe and secure for everyone. Their handbook on “Child and Adolescent Mental Health Policies and plans” released in 2005, has been their greatest attempt at creating transparency and neutrality between the students, parents, and teachers. The in-depth document in itself could be referred to as a transcript for the various policies/laws that are already instated or to be instated in various countries. It talks about various topics such as instigated mental health disorders and psychological troubles due to

finances of families, stigmas and discrimination. This handbook provides a detailed and justified perspective of us teenagers and talks about the issues we face every day in regards to our schooling. All the points in the handbook are also classified with facts and numbers, about how much of an impact is created by the various issues we face when it comes to our education.

The “MENTAL HEALTH IN SCHOOLS ACT (S.1370/H.R2913)” is a welfare initiative turned policy by the “National Council For Behavioral Health” and the various HIPAA and FERPA laws initiated by the “Mental Health technology Transfer Center Network - Pacific Southwest Region”, are a few specific or local initiatives/policies that have been created. Both of their sole purposes are to implement more prominent and accessible support/help for students. The first of the laws mentioned focuses more on providing students with ample opportunities to seek help when it comes to discomfort or mental trouble any student might be facing. This policy is aimed at increasing mental health services in schools, which results in the improvement of student health and academic achievement/motivation. This policy takes about why it is necessary to state an act like this and how to counsel students on ways they can focus on themselves and create realistic goals for themselves. The HIPAA and FERPA laws stand for “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996” and “Family Educational Rights Act” respectively. Both these policies are based on more practical aspects of a student's education. The HIPAA law states that a student's health and mental health should be not compromised under any circumstances and that they are entitled to confidence/privacy when they decide to talk about the same. The FERPA law discusses the extremities of educational rights for families and how students should be allowed to achieve what they want without the constraints of society and parental influences. All of these policies have a common aim- which is to make the lives of students fair. comfortable and not a subject of any pressure and obligation.


Although the health and well-being of students are very important, there hasn't been much which has been done about it - on a global scale. There have been talks for many years about this topic- yet there hasn't been any sort of noticeable steps taken towards this global goal. Of course, youth themselves are taking a stance, yet those initiatives never reach the right platform they so desire to be part of. Presently, being terrorized by an ongoing pandemic- nothing but strengthens the need for permanent and solidified laws and policies when it comes to the prevention of academic pressure and academic anxiety. The pandemic has forced half of the student population into the tricky domain of online school, which has been a universal letdown for many students. The positive outlook and support which they might have gained in person. Is now a distant dream. All in all, we as youth will and always have been taking a stance for our beliefs, yet it should

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